• Inquiry – Upon receipt with artwork (where available) we will cost the item & give our prices.
  • If price is generally agreed, we will make first sample in our sampling department – either from artwork or make counter sample from buyers’ original sample.
  • All first samples are made on available fabric & colors. However, we try our best to use exact fabric. Once the first samples have been approved then, upon agreement with the buyer, where fabric is readily available, we will make further corrected samples so that the buyer can start initial marketing.
  • When order is in hand, we do lab-dip immediately
  • Make & correct cutting patterns.
  • Analyze fabric & accessories requirements
  • Order the fabric & Accessories with the supply source.
  • Negotiate with manufacturing factory. 
  • Once lab dips have been approved &
    all L/C for fabric & accessories has been opened, we chase fabric & accessory supplier for samples forms bulk production. Once received, we make sales-mans samples for the buyer.   
  • Once fabric & accessories all arrive at factory, we do the inventory & after approval, give go-ahead to factory to start production. No production will start without our approval.. Continuous supervision by our quality control inspectors is a pre- requisite which each and every factory must follow strictly.
  • Once production is completed, we carry out final inspection of the finished garments prior to shipment. Accordingly, we will issue pre-shipment inspection certificate.
  • We arrange shipping.
  • We chase for documentation. Our shipping department will check all documentation to ensure that all necessary documents have been prepared properly & as per buyers’ requirement.

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